Native American Owned & Operated Since 1989
LMC Corporation is a SBE / MBE / HUB certified general contractor providing a full-range of construction services to the public sector. With offices across Texas and Oklahoma, LMC specializes in providing Job Order Contracting and Disaster Response services to State, Local and Federal agencies throughout the region.



Job Order Contracting
LMC is an award winning expert in JOC best practices and has been recognized as such by the Center for Job Order Contracting. LMC maintains Job Order Contracts across Texas for Government Agencies, Higher Education, and Healthcare Systems.

Our Design-Build services offer a seamless integrated approach to construction projects. LMC has received both Gold and Silver Leed Certification for NASA projects completed at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.
Disaster Response
As a registered FEMA First Responder, LMC personnel remain mobilized in designated disaster areas. LMC forces have supported the build back of Hurricanes Beryl, Harvey, and Ike as well as numerous other Texas weather events such as the 2021 Winter Freeze.
of Experience
Million Bonding Capacity
Federal Projects Completed
These are the core tenants that over 35 years have shaped LMC into a reliable and trusted construction services partner.
Service and Solution are what LMC team members are taught and this approach has garnered LMC a reputation as a problem solving team player for its clients and trade partners. LMC is committed to success, and we take pride in our ability to overcome the high hurdles presented by time- sensitive and mission critical projects.